Monday, November 7, 2016

The Humble, the Diligent, the Enduring

Hey! Hope everyone had an awesome week!

Spanish Lessons with Hermana Clark:

​Viejitos/viejitas- oldies. As in, "This is Hermana Reynoso who got to the mission the same day as me. We went to mission leadership council together again this week and everyone makes us feel like oldies reminding us how little time we have left in the mission. But we're trying to age gracefully..."

​psychic-psíquico. As in, "I think my mom is psychic. This week my favorite gray sweater bit the dust and I was pretty sad. But two days later, I got a package from my mom that I didn't know she was going to send. Sure enough, it had a gray sweater. I love you, Mom! :)"
Él vive- He lives. As in, "My beloved sisters in Christ, God is real.
He lives.
He loves you.
He knows you.
He understands you.
He knows the silent pleadings of your heart.
He has not abandoned you.
He will not forsake you." Dieter F. Uchtdorf

This week was a bit crazy, but it was a good one.

One of our great investigators set herself a baptismal date this week. On Monday we had a lesson with her and she told us that she'd prayed about the changes she needs to make to be ready, and set goals. She told us that she would be ready by a date that was after I'll be home. I was a bit sad that I wouldn't be there, but I was happy that she'd made the decision. Then, on Saturday, she surprised me. She said, "I was thinking about it, and it would be super sad that Sister Clark can't be in my Baptism and I'd like for the two of you who started teaching me to be there when I'm baptized." So she told us her new plan and decided on a date much sooner. We're looking forward to working with her toward the date that she chose :)

We had a miraculous day on Saturday. Since I had mission leadership council this week, we weren't able to work in the area for about a day and a half. It set us way back on the lessons we needed to teach to all of our investigators, so Friday n
 we planned a ton of appointments and backup plans. People cancel on us a lot here, especially on Saturdays, so we were praying a lot that our plans would workout or be changed in the way that the Lord would have them changed.
It was incredible, two less active sisters who haven't let us in the whole time I've been in this area let us in to share a message with them. Our investigators didn't cancel on us. We had a fantastic day and appreciated the extra hour of sleep we got the next day thanks to the time change. :)

"We walk by whatever faith we have, seeking always to increase our faith. Sometimes this is not an easy quest. Those who are impatient, uncommitted, or careless may find faith to be elusive. Those who are easily discouraged or distracted may hardly experience it. Faith comes to the humble, the diligent, the enduring." Dieter F. Uchtdorf.

I hope everyone has an awesome week. Thank you for your prayers!

~Hermana Hannah Jo Clark

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