Saturday, June 4, 2016

Continue in Prayer


Hope everyone had a lovely week!

Spanish Lessons with Hermana Clark:
Arándano- cranberry. As in, "I ate cranberry ice cream this morning and it was delicious."
Llamamiento- calling. As in, "Everyone who serves in the church serves voluntarily. The positions in which we serve are called 'callings.' Callings come from God through our local leaders. One of my awesome converts accepted a calling in the young men's presidency yesterday, and it sure made me smile. :)"
Persistir- continue. As in, "Yea, humble yourselves, and continue in prayer unto him." Alma 34:19

I have a few stories this week.
We have a great investigator who loves the Book of Mormon and the message that we share. This week we invited her cousin, who is a member, to come with us to a lesson, but he said he wasn't going to be able to. The day of the lesson, to our surprise, he found time and showed up there. It was great to see him bear testimony of our message and hear him encourage her to prepare herself to be baptized and receive blessings like those that he has received since he was baptized.

We have another awesome investigator who loves our message, but something always seems to come up on Sundaywhen she wants to go to church. This week, 2 young women from the ward came with us to a lesson and bore testimony about obedience. We prayed a ton for this investigator to be able to come to church without obstacles this week, and.....she came! She was there! It was an answer to many prayers!

We went to a lesson with a new investigator and we had planned to teach about families and how the gospel can strengthen them. When we got there, her husband didn't want to listen to us, and she was super upset. We felt like we should teach her about the Plan of Salvation, so we did. It was exactly what she needed to hear, and it answered some important questions she had. We hope to be able to teach them both soon, but at least she is finding direction in her life through our message.

Lately in my scripture study, when I read stories about people I look for opportunities to substitute my name into the scriptures to apply them more to me. Here's one that I found that I hope we can all work to substitute our names into. Put your name where it says "Moroni" and ask yourself it it's true.

"Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men."

Let's all strive to be more like Moroni.

Have an awesome week, everyone!

~Hermana Hannah Jo Clark

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