Monday, February 1, 2016

Pythagorean Theorem!!


I hope everyone's week went well.
I'm short on time, forgive me.

Spanish Lessons with Hermana Clark:
Teorema de Pitágoras - Pythagorean Theorem. As in, "On Saturday our mission president taught us about the Pythagorean Theorem and all sorts of stuff I used to do in my math classes for about two hours to explain how we should study more effectively in order to teach our investigators with power and authority. It hurt my brain to try to do Geometry in Spanish." 
Cuadrada- squar(ed). As in, "Every tortilla I try to make comes out as a square." One of our investigators was making tortillas the other day when we showed up and she asked us to help we tried, but they came out a little crazy. Luckily, she made the dough. So they tasted good anyway :)
Tentación - temptation. As in, "As we try to make the right choices in life, temptations will always come. The more we try to follow our Savior, the more Satan tries to keep us from doing so. Our Savior is stronger than the adversary, though, and He will always help us make the right choices if we are truly willing to exercise faith in Him."

So this week we went looking for a lady who we met last week. When we got to her house, she wasn't there. Her sister was there visiting her mom, though, and we told her a bit about how our message helps families find eternal happiness. She was pretty interested, so she invited us to her house down the street and we taught her a bit. She liked it a lot, so she invited us to come back Sunday to meet her husband too. 
We went back Sunday and, to our delight, her husband is just as into the message as she is. We brought a member of the ward with us who is about their age and has kids the same age as theirs. She testified of how the Gospel of Jesus Christ blesses families, and it was perfect. It was one of the best first lessons I've ever been in. They really want to prepare to be baptized and become and eternal family.

There's my story. 
Today was crazy and I don't have pictures, but they will be here next week!

I love you all! Pray always and stay strong! Your Heavenly Father loves you! 
Have a great week!

~Hermana Hannah Jo Clark

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